BOOMN is integrated with an AI Interactive & Responsive business social network platform portal in which businesses can conduct business with leads and customers in real time allowing them to chat, share and process highly important systematic tools for the business powered by a Command Center in which it contains those systematic tools I call, the Super SOS 5 Main Ingredients. These are the Revolutionary AI tools that will help dominate in their industry giving that niche that sets them apart from the rest. It builds incredible Value that goes far for their business creating a Brand that people will learn to love and trust for generations to come. It’s the 1st of its kind with an All-In-One System that catapults your business in real time. Here, when building your business, you will build a complete roadmap that gives you the Visual Assists that aids to give you that push and encouragement to keep going and never stop. The site is very user-friendly and highly effective to get you results in real time.
You will be able to program, from the beautifully built Command Center, in your personalized platform to send out by text and/or email to your leads and customers all the specific flyers, newsletters, videos, sales & marketing material, coupons, greetings, follow-up liners, proof of testimonials, business 1-liners that do all the PR required for your business, specific follow-ups, and the brains behind it all—the 5th main ingredient, the sales gauge—to manage everything to meet your sales goals.
It will achieve their sales goals with built-in auto responders and AI follow up systems that are sensitive according to what you program it to do, and, most importantly, it has a Highly effective Visual sales gauge that sets your goals by weeks, months or years so you can hit your target goals with assisted and leveraging AI systematic tools. With a built-in meter, you can view to measure your performance. Simply just plug in your financial goals and whammo, it will do all the heavy lifting so you’re always on track keeping those monthly and even weekly figures up to speed. The AI Bots are always working very hard for you by contacting your database to receive impulse and hard to resist deals with coupons, specials, and hard to pass up type of deals. This will trigger a call to action to buy while it’s HOT! Special AI Bots are working round the clock making your business better than yesterday, at least 1% than yesterday making your business thrive continuously. Special AI bots are working round the clock for you so while you’re sleeping, your business is growing. Plugging in your desired zip code will automatically get you new clients in the radius you’re searching in.
Here, you will build up your image and reputation with testimonials, real time chat on the SOS platform, share videos, testimonials, greetings, blogs and more about your organization. Here, you are engaging close rapport and credibility with your customers.
Whether you’re building your business or promoting it, your customers receive text messaging phrases, real time coupons, video marketing, lead capture pages, blogs, audio messaging, newsletters, gift cards and more to lure your audience in your bucket!
Don’t leave your customers in the cold and lack being inconsistent but, here, you’ll always follow up with follow up liners, greetings, send them thank you, remember them for the holidays, or whatever to keep them in their minds what great of a business person you are. You have to paint beautiful word pictures in their minds to be sticky. When fishing for new customers, do it with drip marketing with the tools provided here thru the well built Command Center. Pre-programmed follow-ups using one-liners and personalized messages ensure every customer is reached at the right time, providing consistent value that keeps them coming back for more.
You can compensate your business partners with a referral fee when doing B2B and B2C. When referring business to others, you can ask to receive a referral fee from other businesses and also give a referral fee to your customer. For example, if you have a person who refers you to friend of theirs who want to buy a house, they will receive a “fee” for their referral. In business, if you refer business to another business and makes a purchase, you make a “fee” for their kind gesture. It’s important to be acknowledged and compensated for something. It’s business. It builds up other’s image and reputation when you have more and more customers.
This comprises the most important systematic tool of them all because this is your watchdog. It keeps track of sales to perform in tip top shape 24/7 for you. It is the brains that controls the 4 other main ingredients. It has advanced AI technology that will make sales rain for you with its powerful Auto Bots that search and obtains new customers for you in a vey short period of time. Its visual aids will assist and compel you to take action to keep you on track of your sales goals that you command it to. In the Command Center, you have controls to set goals and activate ON/OFF buttons to keep some remarkable tools and systems flowing on auto-pilot mode to your database of leads and customers.
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